Archive for the ‘ Building ’ Category

New Kegerator


A few  years ago, I used the Kegbot software to add some access control to a kegerator at work.  The project is excellent, but it had a lot of complexity and features we were not using.  With current technologies, it’s possible to create the same functionality using more convenient, off-the-shelf parts. I selected the Raspberry Pi ARM-based single-board computer to act as the core for this system, and we custom-tailored the rest of the system specifically for our needs. Read more

Fermtroller Released!

In the quest to brew better beer, the second most important component (behind sanitation) is control of the fermentation temperatures. After adding a fermentation chamber, I wanted a temperature controller with more flexibility and logging than the typical system. So, using off-the-shelf hardware, I built the Arduino Fermtroller! Read more